“Whatever I do for another,

I do for myself.”

Her Many Voices (HMV) is a small organization that does big things in the world. We started out as artists responding to humanitarian needs. Since then we've grown to include activists and global community members.

Our mission is to ignite the Artivist (Artist/Activist) in us all, in order to move our passions to purpose, for the betterment of women, children and our Mother Earth.

Founder/Vision Holder

Alicia Fall, Founder and Visionholder of Her Many Voices, has been a lifelong doer and creator. Fall is a TEDx Talk presenter, a recipient of the New York State Assembly Citation Award, board member for the Coalition Against Global Genocide and for Tiyospaye Winyan Maka, both as a representative for Indigenous Peoples.

Ms. Fall has been on the International Hemp Speaking circuit, speaking on Hemp and Humanity. Presentations include: the ASACON Hemp Conference (Asahikawa, Japan); the Euro Hemp Tour (Milan, Italy; and Naklo, Poland); at the Posner Center for International Development and The Asian Hemp Summit (Kathmandu, Nepal). Ms. Fall is delighted to have been nominated for the Mother Earth Award by the NOCO team in 2022.

* Mother Earth Award — This award is to honor a woman whose entrepreneurial spirit has ushered a new era of business leaders through her skills and execution in agriculture. She is a visionary who has cultivated relationships through education, inclusivity, and collaboration. Her determination and dedication support our farmers and contribute immensely to building the supply chain making her a trailblazer and inspiration to others.

Our Team

Our Board

Vanessa Blacknall-Jamison

Board Vice President

Bonita Velez

Advisory Board Member

Our Supporters

Ms Lauryn Hill


Hazel Miller

Our Partners