Lisa Montgomery

Veterans and Tribal Relations Coordinator

Lisa Montgomery is a member of the Penobscot Indian Nation in Maine, where she serves on Tribal Council. She has an A.S. in Logistics Management from the Community College of the Air Force, with military service from 2000 to 2004, a B.S. in Environmental Management and Policy, and a Graduate Business Certificate from the University of Maine. She has completed all the credits for a Master in Interdisciplinary Studies, needing only to complete a final research project that would support the building of a multi-generational supportive housing program for Indigenous women.

As a serviced connected disabled veteran, Lisa has been active in therapeutic agriculture for the last five years. She has completed training with NCAT’s Armed to Farm program and Veteran to Farmers Controlled Environment Agriculture. Lisa is passionate about food and fiber, and loves to travel across Indian Country.


Angelo Digangi


Tamara Cantave