Pastor Heidi McGiness
The Reverend Heidi McGinness is an ordained Presbyterian Minister who served as Director of Outreach for Christian Solidarity International-USA from 2004 - 2018. CSI-USA is a Christian Human Rights Organization that originated in Switzerland in 1978. CSI assists victims of jihad, war, and persecution. Sixteen trips since 2004 to war-torn Sudan with CSI have catapulted Pastor McGinness into becoming a modern-day abolitionist and passionate defender of the victims of slavery, genocide, and persecution of ALL people.
In 2009, Pastor McGinness was inducted as a Franciscan Associate of the Dubuque Franciscans for her unwavering resolve to stand by the persecuted and poor. She was awarded the Herbert E. Manning, Jr. Award by the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary for Servant Leadership and Courageous Convictions in Christian Ministry. In 2010, Pastor McGinness received the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Business and Social Responsibility Award. In 2002, she received the Global Peacemaking Hero Award from Denver’s Center for Spiritual Living. In 2013, Pastor was honored by the South Sudanese Community Association of Colorado, and in 2014, she was nominated for the CNN Hero Award.